Book Review THE WITCHING TIDE Margaret Meyer

Thank you to the author Margaret Meyer, publishers Scribner, and as always NetGalley, for an advance audio copy of THE WITCHING TIDE.

Martha is a mute midwife in 17th century England, who uses a form of sign language to communicate with those who are close to her. She's so different and aloof, and there's her proximity to every still birth in the last ten years, not to mention every birth defect, every single pregnancy. Once Makepeace, the witch hunter, comes to town, it isn't long before the townspeople set him on her scent.

I read this book twice, as the first time through, I didn't keep up well with all the narrative turns. It's definitely a twisty, suspenseful tale, and the second time through, I was hooked. This time, I was more prepared for the wild plot, so I had no trouble following the many threads. Even though this book is not written in multiple timelines or perspectives, Meyer provides abundant detail about all the secondary characters, setting, and backstory. It's an immersive read about a stunningly horrible time in human history. Here are my trigger warnings for extreme violence against women and children, religious persecution, extreme gender and disability persecution, scenes of torture, death of a fetus, infanticide, SA, and more; I don't think the author or publisher provided trigger warnings, but these barely scrape the surface.

I really adore the disability rep in this book. In the time this book is set, disability can be a death sentence for one of a hundred reasons, and Meyer really shows how Martha's disability can isolate her socially. In the character of Kit, Meyer also shows the importance and value of compassion and social responsibility. Martha had become an invaluable part of Kit's family, because Kit's and Marth had devised a method of communication. This was my favorite aspect of the book and the primary reason I recommend the read. Such well drawn characters!

Rating: 🫢🫢🫢🫢 / 5 mute main characters 
Recommend? Yes!
Finished May 12 & 21 2023 
Format: Advance Digital, NetGalley 
Read this if you like:
🫢 Disability rep 
🧙 Witch stories
🗿17th century stories
⏳️ Historical fiction 
👩‍🦳 Women's fiction 


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