Thank you to the author J. H. Markert, publishers Crooked Lane Books, and also to NetGalley for a widget of MISTER LULLABY. All views are mine. This book is like NIGHTMARE MAN got a little older and tightened up its wardrobe. I like the progression in Markert's style, too. He's developed his narrative voice, this smokey whisper, urgent and dire, lifting off the page in words. I'm eager to see what more he creates under this pen name. Three (or more) things I loved: 1. I love Beth's character and story trajectories. The book cares about her and gives her grace and respects her autonomy, even when, perhaps especially when she's not on page. It's some really good writing on Markert's part. She easily foils the absolute absurdity of the antagonist. 2. A noticeable improvement in mental illness rep. I can tell Markert put in the work to avoid stigmatizing in this book. 3. The horns are freaking great.😆 4. Okay Teddy and Brandy are my favorite...